Whenever you look at buying a home study course, on whatever subject, you obviously need to know how good the product creator is.
The creator of Draw People Step By Step is Taylor Roy and he has been a professional artist for more than 7 years, but before that, Taylor struggled, in fact he struggled until he mastered the techniques he shows in his home study course.
Taylor also has another course available “Figure Drawing Course” And this fantastic course comes as a FREE bonus with his main 'Draw People Step By Step' course. The “Figure Drawing Course” is brilliant, and I know people would pay a lot of money, just for that course alone.
Taylor Roy is an incredible artist and has an incredible teaching style, he can take the most complicated drawing techniques and show them to people with no drawing skills and then have them copy and do themselves. Showing easy steps to draw a face to artists of all levels.
Draw People Step By Step Review - What's in the course?
Many people like to learn visually and then some by reading or listening. For this reason Taylor Roy has put a lot of effort into creating what I call the king of all portrait drawing packages, which includes video and pdf formats.
Taylor has 6 step by step videos and easy to follow PDF's.
Each video is a 'look over my shoulder' video, so that you see exactly what Taylor is drawin and more importantly, the drawing techniques he uses. You then sit with your favorite beverage and watch as the drawing progress and Taylor explains exactly how he is doing what he's doing. He explains how to draw realistic faces step by step for beginners and if you are more advanced, you will still gain tremendously from this course.
The first five lessons concentrate on every facial features. This enables you to totally master face drawing with pencil, working on each facial feature individually, before trying to put the complete face together. This is excellent as it gives you the chance to practise drawing each facial feature without completely hashing up the complete drawing.
One of the most common problems is drawing the dreaded nose! Using these first 5 lessons, you'll be drawing quality noses in no time which are also at the correct height!
The sixth lesson is probably the best as it explains step by step, how to bring the individual face features together into a final and awesome face drawing.
The last lesson is amazing, it looks at how someone’s emotions change and how it effects and changes their facial expressions.
But all we really want to know is 'What's In It For me?'
So is it worth the money? Without hesitation, I say YES. The free bonus (Figure Drawing Course), that Taylor includes with the course is worth what he is asking for on it's own!
Unfortunately, not even the very talented Taylor, can top having your own tutor sat next to you, but if that's not possible, I believe this course is the next best thing to having your own personal world class artist sat next to you.
You can tell if someone is confident about their product, before you order the couse, it is explained very clearly that the whole product is backed by a full 60 day money back guarantee! So after a week or so of trying, if you realise it's not for you, not only do you get your money back, you can also keep the whole home study course! Now that's a guarantee and another reason why I tell everyone I know about this product.
You can sit comfortably and watch a world class artist explain and show you how to draw people.
There is well over 3 hours of step by step learn how to draw people videos, that explain everything from the proper way to position and draw noses, explaining the 3 VITAL MISTAKES artist make when drawing noses and how to avoid them! The ONE Tiny Detail that literally gives the Nose its entire shape. Taylor explains that if you get this wrong, your noses will always look flat and lifeless.
The eye section is brilliant! He explains how to capture the TRUE EMOTION of Your Character, with small subtle changes in the eyes. The BIGGEST MISTAKES artists make when Drawing Eyes and how you avoid them.
Apart from the amazing videos, there are SIX step by step pdf manuals (more than 210 pages in length). They take you, step by step through the entire drawing process
This, in my opinion is the best portrait drawing course available anywhere on the internet, combine this with the FREE bonus that is easily worth $77 dollars on it's own and the full 60 day money back guarantee. Make's www.DrawPeopleStepByStep.com a complete no brainer, in my opinion :)
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